...did bubble painting in the garden [which was a good thing as paint got everywhere and I had to hose down the patio - you can't do that in your living room can you?] for their art journals; again inspired by Umm Tafari mashaAllah. The colours were not as vibrant as I wanted and I think this is because we used poster paint instead of acrylic paint but the kids like them anyway and really enjoyed blowing the bubbles too. I am also not that happy with the way that the colours are going onto the coloured construction paper pages so may have to start using white paper and gluing it in but I didn't really want that...hmm!
We also started Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories as planned but unfortunately the illustrations didn't inspire them as I had hoped. The children didn't seem to be too impressed with the first story either and I wish I had read it first but didn't as it is one of the books listed as a read aloud in the Well Trained Mind. Anyway, here is what they did with their bubble painting:
This is just a highlight from Daisy's journal...she took the photo and I just like it!
Here is her journal page, inspired by the bubbles I guess...she did narrate a long story about bubbles and fish that she wanted me to scribe for her but she went far to quickly and it was far too long so in the end she just put 'fish blow bubbles'
Here is the page that Crush did [and it had to have some sort of gun in it didn't it!] and at the top he asked me to write: 'bubbles are great, bubbles are fun, bubbles are for everyone' - a poet in the making lol - and I loved his little popped bubbles! The littlies are really enjoying the visual journalling so far and Sprite has even been joining in; only to 'help' them of course but both he and Lego have asked to do their own journal so I guess I will have to find some better quality paper journals for them to use by tomorrow, arggg!
On to Sprite [I won't forget him again after getting in trouble yesterday, lol] he did some more on his nature diary. He photocopied some pictures of frogs and their life cycle and coloured them in. One he used to put behind a frame that he heat embossed and the others he used to make a mini book of the frogs life cycle; I like it! Tomorrow he has to complete the writing part of this topic inshaAllah.
Lego also completed his 'WW2 Aeroplane' booklet for his lapbook and the main background for that section; he scrunched it up and distressed it with inks [as he did the accordion booklet] as he wants them all to look 'old'.The booklet contains all the things you could ever want to know about the Yak-9 and the picture on the cover shows two Yak-9's in dog fight [bet you were wondering when that was going to come in weren't you? lol].
We read lots and lots of books today too and started to tackle the sorting and clearing out of our classroom/dining room in readiness for a return to a full days learning after Ramadan inshaAllah....it's a mammoth task but I know we can do it!
Lego has been trying to train his budgie to respond to voice commands and the budgie, Sky, of course is having none of it; it's comical to watch the battle of wills going on but Lego is very persistent and patient mashaAllah. I also had to draw the line at Sky joining us for iftar as the guest of honor at the table!
As salaam alaikum Umm Adam,
I really do think you and your children are very creative, maashaa Allah. Didn't you all do a handmade book about frogs last year as well? I remember being very impressed with their work even then.
Umm T.
Wa alaikum assalam sis, yep my eldest did do a mini book on frogs last year; I had visions of them creating a mini libarary on all sorts of topics but they ran out of steam lol...perhaps we should revisit that ides, hmmmm!
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