Alhamdulillah this [well last] week was a lazy week as we were all preparing for Ramadan. The children had no madressa all week but instead their ustadh [teacher] planned different activities for each day of the week. So they had: football, bring and share food, a certificate presentation and a dawat where their teacher provided the food mashaAllah. I was also very pleased to hear that the boys all received grade A's in their tests mashaAllah...they all came running in waving their certificates in the air lol. Sprite made this lovely [so I'm told as I didn't get any **pout**] chocolate fudge cake for the bring and share day.

On Friday we were inspired by Umm Tafari at River City Homeschoolers to have a tea party mashaAllah. However it was soon overtaken by the boys and was transformed into a BBQ; that's boys for ya, and there was me saying how they enjoyed a tea party lol! They are all growing up so fast mashaAllah... Lego got everyone organised, set up the BBQ and got the coals going and Sprite did the cooking. BBQ's are a real mans domain aren't they? I guess Daisy and I will have to have our own little tea party one day without the testosterone muscling in!

We have been doing lots of stuff for our owl project including some virtual owl pellet dissections here... in preparation for the real thing [which I'm really not looking forward to!]. Nothing else much going on, just ad hoc learning at the moment. I was ill yesterday so we didn't get our Quran reading started so have a juz to catch up on already! Not a good start to Ramadan eh!
On another note, I finally finished my sisters wedding album cum memory book, I'll put the pics in a separate post as it's easier, and I have a commission to make another for a 50th wedding anniversary gift, yay! Here are some pics of the first memory book I made her when she got married, it already has photos etc in so I can't show too much as it's quite personal to her [she's already gonna kill me for the 2nd pic lol, but she did grow into a beautiful young lady mashaAllah [there, are we good now?]]:
Daisy spent the day at an International Scout Camp yesterday and had a thoroughly fantastic day mashaAllah, hubby couldn't believe that she spent the whole day out without her mum or dad in tow lol....personally I think he's in denial and doesn't want to see his little girl grow's different for the boys of course lol!
As salaam alaikum,
The transformation into a BBQ sounds about right with the boys, lol.
Your work is really amazing. I have so much to learn. Aren't those scrapbooking supplies expensive though?
Scout camp sounds like so much fun. Insha Allah, I want to find out about scout camp for my girls for next year. I think they would love it as well, insha Allah.
Jazakillahu khair sis for your lovely comments. The scrapbooking stuff can be expensive here in the UK - they are much cheaper in the States mashaAllah - so I have to think about things and try to make stuff myself if I can, but that just adds to the item in my opinion but I am biased lol! Wassalaam xXx
BTW Scouts is fantastic and I would encourage you to sort something out for your children if you can...they have all learned so much and have had many wonderful experiences! My eldest is saving up to go to the next international camp to Sri Lanka in 2015!
My girls actually joined Girl Scouts last March and I ended up becoming a part of it too, maashaa Allah. We are part of the first Islamic Girl Scouts in our area.
Are you all part of Girls Scouts or is it something else?
MashaAllah, that's so cool. Well the boys are in the Muslim Scouts so I can't help out there as they are with the men but now that the little one has started Beavers I am also planning to volunteer inshaAllah. I'm really looking forward to it. The Muslim groups have some connection to the main Scouting organisation but have their own 'arm' called the Muslim Scout Fellowship and they have their own national camps etc. It's fantastic although the boys [Lego and his friend] have faced some difficulties being the minority race among the group but inshaAllah they are coping well mashaAllah and I pray that Allah ta'Ala guides all our children and makes it easy for them. Ameen.
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