Thursday 1 September 2011

Eid Mubarak...

I hope you all had a good Eid inshaAllah....ours was spent at the local hospital so that my son could have a thumb that he broke at the Sky Ride on Sunday reset - they made a mistake at A&E and actually sent him home, all plastered, without even resetting the bone! However, in an effort to make up for it we did get first class, personal treatment from the plastic surgeon when they called him back in.  We got back so late that we never really had time to celebrate so had a delayed Eid today mashaAllah!

Everyone has had a virus too so things have been a bit slow here over the last few days but we have been drinking in some inspiration from this very talented lady today - she has unbelievable talent in all areas of art/craft and when you think she has finished a piece of work she adds something else to make her creations even more fab.  Well I am hoping that we can do a couple of pages tomorrow based around what she has done here inshaAllah:

I have officially started work on getting the children back to their normal pre-Ramadan sleep patterns so we can get cracking with our new schedule inshaAllah. However, with physio beginning for Sprite [because of some  tendon/ligament problems] and Lego with his thumb I'm going to be spending quite a bit of time at the hospital and I am hoping it won't disrupt our  home ed too much!  However, it is fortunately very close to town so I could back it onto a sly visit to the art shop to get some supplies, yipee, I LOVE the art and craft shop!  Sad, I know!

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