We have been doing lots of maths online and still trying to cement the times tables with the boys, I must admit I am finding this a bit tiresome but hey... other work is continuing using the 100 Maths Lessons.
We have had lots of badges earned at cubs and scouts and I HATE sewing them on....must buy some fabric glue....only now am I beginning to appreciate my mums efforts with me and little sis at Brownies, I was so proud of my armful of badges but never gave poor mums punctured fingers a second thought...thanks mum, love you lots! DS1 has been caving (will post about this separately) and DS2 camping and they are both off to another camp in June....I think I am looking forward to it more than them, lol!
DS1 is still with his tutor for English and they are having a whale of a time....lots of new work being introduced and the book the lessons are based around (Goodbye Mr Tom) is really grabbing their attention. DS2 is making steady progress with his reading and is reading to me aloud most days from the 'Read it Yourself' series from Ladybird. The two little ones are still progressing through the Jolly Phonics books.
Here is DS2's effort at making a mini study book....it's going to be about lizards (just in case you missed the huge orange writing ;0)). He's stamped it and decorated the pages and we are just in the process of deciding what should be included in the study.
DS1 took this photo of the two younger boys climbing in their new white thawbs (they had to be white and new didn't they!) he thought it was funny that they got greasy black marks on them but I, on the other hand, was rather distressed and am still trying to wash the stains out...humph!
Well we are still on the mini-book trail with DS1 making the following albums from toilet roll holders
As salaam alaikum,
Scrapbooks continue to look great, maashaa Allah!
Gotta hate that with the nice, white thobes. My son now wears a camo izar b/c he is just too hard on the thobes, lol.
Wa alaikum assalaam
JazakAllahu khair sis, they really love making these scrapbooks, it's hard to keep up with them lol.
Camo izar sound great mashaAllah, I'll have to investigate that further..they are costing me a fortune in thobes ;0)
Fi amanillah x
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