OK so that was a bit melodramatic but the week did start of exceptionally well and then went rapidly down hill. We started well on Monday with a brand new schedule and everything went really well....everyone got their work done and it was fab...I should have known it would never last. Tuesday I woke up and had a relapse with my back...bah humbug! This was followed by another call from the hospital calling Lego back in and yet another to say that Sprite had to go in to start his physio this week...so another two days taken out of the week!
And with the English lessons starting back for Sprite tomorrow he decides that he wants to change the way he presents his 'nature diary' for his homework! So the old one was dumped and he made this...
The first entry was the frog booklet that you may remember from his first attempt at the diary. The second page was mostly researched information and photo's from the internet but the third entry he found an outline picture and he painted the image using watercolor pencils. I like watercolors, you can get away with a multitude of sins [art wise] and always have a good result. Apart from the art lesson these two entries also included a lesson on internet research and IT (cutting, pasting, changing fonts etc).
Lego hasn't done much this week and is milking the 'poor me' thang far too much....his WW2 model was also broken into tiny pieces when it was accidently knocked off a cupboard by dad [I was just grateful it wasn't me or one of the other children!]. He wasn't very happy. Nooo, not happy at all; and he seemed to be uninterested in the fact that he was the one who had left it in the precarious position in the first place. Any ho, it has been unceremoniously dumped in the bin and he proclaimed that he would never build a model again. However, this pledge didn't last long and he is in the middle of building a WW2 scene out of Lego!
Crash and Daisy have left me all Peter and Jane'd out and I am currently in the process of making flash cards of all the keywords to assist in the word recognition process. All maths has been done on Maths Whizz this week but I need to get them putting some stuff down on paper too to so that can apply all that they learn.
Well, that's it for this week! Have a great weekend everyone.
As salaam alaikum Umm Adam,
This is the life of a homeschoolers. Things come up and we have to live our life!
Awesome nature journal btw.
Wa alaikum assalaam dear Umm Tafari,
So true! But I was sure this year was going to be different and we would have a fab new year of more productive home education lol. I don't know why I hype myself up so much every year...a glutton for punishment I guess lools.
I thought his journal was quite fitting on a nature theme as it was made out of a lot of recyled/nature type materials lol.
Thanx for your comments xXx
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