We had no joint teaching session this week as one of our group has been preparing for her first visit from the LEA. She has nothing to worry about but it has made me think about where I am going with the boys. I must start planning for
their education in 3 month blocks and setting some goals
inshaAllah. I have a friend that tutors using a teaching style that she has developed herself
mashaAllah and she is going to take the kids for an English and Math lesson on Saturdays.... I will let you know how it goes

We have also had three butterflies emerge,
mashaAllah. The red staining you can see on the top photo is dye that is left over from the ink that is pumped into the butterflies wing. I was so excited when I noticed the first one that my friend said it sounded like I had given birth. And that was exactly how it did feel; minus the pain and discomfort of course. It is just amazing, I would recommend that everyone has a go at raising butterflies. The third butterfly was almost drowning in their food when we came home and 'B' rescued it - my hero.

We also did some gardening....... well DH done the gardening while I sat with my feet up (well I did work very hard looking after the kids while he was away). This is photo of my favourite shrub ever and it smells amazing, the whole garden is alive with its scent. Being a city girl I have no idea what it is, although from my research on the internet I think it could be a 'Mock Orange', but it's lovely, whatever it is. We are (still) looking at redesigning the
garden and I think I have come up with a plan
inshaAllah. I am going to do some soil testing with the kids and work out where plants should go and make a plan
inshaAllah. Should be fun!
We also went strawberry picking
mashaAllah we had a lovely day and what lovely, but expensive, strawberries. We will go again
inshaAllah, the kids were really surprised at how some of the different fruit grows bless them. We also took some time to discuss why the plants were on raised tables rather than the ground, why some were big and some small etc etc etc.
'A' was
definitely less stroppy today actually he was great
mashaAllah and I think we all enjoyed spending time with DH for a change. Onwards & upwards.
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