Well things have been mad around here as I have now started working two days a week outside the home. Two days doesn't sound much but it takes quite a lot out of our 'school' week and six weeks in we still haven't managed to sort out a new routine! I must admit that I am enjoying being back at work but do feel guilty about being away from the kids :0( On the plus side I think they are learning to appreciate me (and my cooking) a little more lol!
Anyway, this is what we have managed to work out so far....on each of the days that I work the boys have an hour of football, an hour of madressah, Qur'an practice, need to finish off their homework from their tutoring sessions and do at least half an hour each of maths on Mathletics.
We have also subscribed to Super Charged Science for our science lessons; it's a fab site and the lady's enthusiasm seems to rub off on you and best of all the kids can go ahead and do the lessons by themselves. However, the real reason behind the subscription was to free up more of my time now that I'm working....I'll let you know how the kids get on with it inshaAllah.
I am also looking into subscribing them to Math Whizz, it is an online maths tutor and is good but at £99 per child a year I need to think about it, lol!
Lego is now reading The Otterbury Incident with his tutor. It's a short, old book by C Day Lewis originally published in 1948 but we thought as the last one was so 'heavy' we would give them something easier to read. They are really enjoying it mashAllah and are being inspired by the characters and the things they do to entertain themselves. They have also spent a while working on poetry and we have found that Lego has a flare for poetry.....he has let me include a sample of his haiku poetry below..but is highly embarrassed about it all and won't let me publish any more, lol!
Bodies around me
Standing alone silently
Aftermath of war
It has a real 'boy' slant I think you will agree...
'Stig' has introduced the younger ones to adding suffixes and doubling consonants, character building, proverbs & sayings and fire safety...they had to work together to produce a poster on fire safety and this is the result so far...sorry about the dire photography...you can't really see it properly but it has a flap thing that lifts up to reveal a fire safety quiz.
We also have two new additions to our family; the kids were given some canaries by an uncle and, although I was dreading it, it has proven to be good for all of them and has taught them responsibility.
Lots has been happening in scouts; they boys have been canoeing, rode their bike in the 'Sky Ride' and took part in the District's 'Dave Smart Challenge'; Here's what their leader posted about the event "the scouts had to complete a whole range of challenges ranging from abseiling, fire-lighting, lifesaving and more along the 12km route. It also became a cultural lesson for the other groups when our boys made their isha salat on open ground whilst they waited to begin the camp fire activities." At the moment Lego is working on his chefs badge; they have to work in teams to plan, prepare and present a 3 course meal and the mums get to eat and mark their efforts; looking forward to that lol! Sprite is working on his Fitness Challenge badge and treats us to a show of push-ups & star jumps etc at every opportunity.
We also had an eventful Eid at the Islamic Foundation where the kids got to have pony rides and handle 'orrible animals but it didn't compare to my sister's wedding the following Saturday...you looked beautiful sis! The kids also really enjoyed meeting her two chickens Dolly and Gert; thanks for the lovely eggs ladies!

It has a real 'boy' slant I think you will agree...
'Stig' has introduced the younger ones to adding suffixes and doubling consonants, character building, proverbs & sayings and fire safety...they had to work together to produce a poster on fire safety and this is the result so far...sorry about the dire photography...you can't really see it properly but it has a flap thing that lifts up to reveal a fire safety quiz.